The Must-Have Tractor and Farming Apps
In the 21st century, farming is about more than just what you can do with pen and paper. All the latest technological developments also influence how agriculture works, and one of the easiest ways to use that to your advantage is to start downloading all the right apps. If you have a smartphone, tablet, or other compatible device, then check out our list of must-have tractor and farming apps and see if you’ve got all the information you need, right at your fingertips. You can also chat with our experienced staff in person, or find a fellow farmer, here at Magnum Power in Lawson, Missouri. We welcome all those from Clay County and Kansas City.
Tractor Manufacturer Apps
Your tractor or other farm equipment manufacturer probably has an app of their own. These apps can make it easier to use your equipment and stay connected to the manufacturer. They might even offer different apps to suit different purposes. Check out what kinds of apps your tractor’s manufacturer offers, in order to help with ownership challenges and even to help with work around your farm.
Climate and Weather Tracking
The weather is going to play a big role in when you perform certain tasks around your farm. Pretty soon, you’ll need to know when the last frost date is so you can know when to start planting. That’s why some sort of weather app is a must. Of course, something simple, like the weather app that comes with your phone, can suffice, but we recommend having a few sources, like the Climate App, so you can compare predictions from other meteorologists and hopefully find something useful.
General Organizational Apps
Let’s face it, there’s a lot to do on a farm. If you have a superior memory than us mere mortals, then by all means, continue keeping track of things in your head. As for the rest of us, it’s helpful to have a way to stay organized. Pen and paper work, but a more compact way to go about things is to find an agricultural app that helps you keep track of a wide range of things. This can include marketing decisions, crop yield, soil test results, and all sorts of other important information that affects how you farm.
Popular Names
If you’re looking for more specific recommendations, we’ve listed a few app names that come up fairly regularly.
Grower’s Edge
Grower’s Edge is designed to make the business side of things easier and more productive. Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that you’re trying to make a living off your crops, but this app will help you stay on top of things. You’ll get market commentary, farming news, rain reports, commodity quotes, and so much more.
When it comes to a signature everything-in-one-place app, it’s hard to beat AgWeb. You can take the convenience of the website out in the field with your mobile device. You’ll also be able to connect with top radio shows like AgriTalk and Market Rally, and other great outlets to keep up to date on the latest farming developments.
AgriSync can be a fantastic resource for new farmers, but can also be incredibly helpful to those who are simply looking for an easy way to get up and running again if your tractor or other equipment fails. It connects you to a trusted advisor to help you identify the issue and even fix it without needing to haul the equipment in to see a professional. This can help cut down on costs and maximize uptime.
There are all sorts of tractor, equipment, and farming apps you can use, and it might just take a little experimenting before you find the right selection of apps that’s right for you and your operation. If you’d like to ask around our dealership about what other farmers use, or if you’d like to view our tractors for sale, then stop by Magnum Power in Lawson, Missouri, and let us know how we can assist you. We proudly serve those from Clay County and Kansas City, so visit us today!